Alexandre Gebauer

Logistics Manager, Lidl

Alexandre GEBAUER regional logistics manager on the Baziège logistics platform. Opened in 1999 in the town of Baziège on a surface of 26 000 m2, our Regional Management moved to the neighboring plot in 2018 on a surface of 58 000 m2 to meet the expectations and needs of our business. It is articulated around five major services:

Maintenance, Health and Safety
Support services (HR, sales, real estate)

Alexandre GEBAUER manages nearly 320 employees to meet the needs of 83 supermarkets across 10 departments. (Haute-Garonne, Ariège, Hautes-Pyrénées, Pyrénées atlantique, Gers, Tarn, Tarn et Garonne, Lot, Lot et Garonne, Aveyron)

In charge of the economic, human and social management of the logistics site.
In charge of the regional management’s car fleet.
Member of the regional management committee.
Guarantor and actor of the relations with the external service providers, the governmental authorities and the representative authorities of the personnel: Carriers, maintenance companies, works, etc… Occupational medicine, CARSAT, Regional Direction of Environment, Development and Housing (DREAL), Labour Inspection, Customs, etc.